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Cole Macedo Lands on Podium at Super Dirt Cup



PETERSEN MEDIA- Despite having tough luck during the first two nights of the Jim Raper Memorial Super Dirt Cup, Cole Macedo and Tarlton Motorsports put themselves in a good position for Saturday night’s finale where Macedo raced his way to a third-place finish at the prestigious event at Skagit Speedway.


“We had a fast car all week, and I am glad we were able to come away with a good finish on Saturday night,” Cole Macedo said. “We had a good shot at finishing second, but traffic was tricky and we ended up scoring a third place finish.”


Getting collected in a late race tangle on Thursday night, and then dealing with an issue with his fire suppression system on Friday night, the Tarlton Motorsports team was able to get Macedo out of the work area each time and get him on track so he could score as many event points as possible.


Sitting 7th in points heading into Championship Saturday, Macedo lined up on the front row of his heat race and powered to the win. With the heat win to his credit, the Lemoore, CA driver was locked into the 40-lap feature event where he rolled off of the starting grid from the sixth position aboard the Tarlton and Son Inc./Complete Parts and Equipment Solutions/Executive Auto Sales backed no. 21 entry.


When the feature event came to life, Macedo quickly moved into fourth as he chased after the likes of Zeb Wise, Corey Day, and Justin Sanders. Moving into third on the eighth lap, the action picked up as the leaders got into traffic and created an epic battle for the second spot.


Racing into second on the 17th lap, Macedo and Wise waged war on each other as they played a high-speed game of chess racing through slower traffic.


Slipping back to third officially on the 20th lap, Macedo kept him in his crosshairs as he worked around the famed bullring in the pacific northwest.


Taking a couple shots at Wise late in the feature, Macedo brough a busy stretch with the Tarlton Motorsports team to a close with a third-place finish.


“My guys did an incredible job all week of getting us back on track to get points to be in a good spot for the big show on Saturday night,” Macedo said. “Things didn’t go our way, but when it counted, we were right there. Thanks to the Tarlton family for allowing us to go on this trip, and the Dyson family and all of our partners for continuing to support this race team.”


Tarlton Motorsports would like to thank Tarlton and Son Inc., Complete Parts & Equipment Solutions, Executive Auto Sales, Durst, Tarlton Estate and Asset Management, Bandy and Associates, FK Shocks, FK Rod Ends, Willwood Brakes, Vortex Wings, and High Performance Lubricants for their support.


BY THE NUMBERS: Races: 21, Wins: 3, Top 5’s: 16, Top 10’s: 17.


ON TAP: Macedo and company will head to Chico, CA this Saturday night as the NARC slate resumes with the David Tarter Memorial.  


STAY CONNECTED: Stay connected with Tarlton Motorsports by following  @Tarlton_Racing on Twitter, or becoming a fan on facebook at


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